Unidentified Wiki


Bernalillo County Jane Doe was a young woman who was found hanging in a motel shower. Her death was ruled a suicide.


Between 9:30 PM and 11:00 PM on June 3, 1991, a local truck driver named Eduardo Colin arrived at a Super 8 motel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He rented a room for two people for one night, and was expected to check out at 11:00 AM the next morning. Eduardo provided legitimate information on the registration slip except for a false vehicle license plate number. Eduardo was given room 233.


On June 5, it was realized that Eduardo had failed to check out of his room, so a security guard went to check the room. He found the room locked from the inside and had to use a screwdriver to get inside. When he got inside the room, he didn't notice anything unusual, apart from multiple bottles of alcohol on the table. However, when he went into the bathroom, he found a woman hanging from the shower.

The woman had hanged herself using a suitcase strap and had heroin in her system. She is believed to have died on June 3, the day Eduardo had checked in. The woman was badly decomposed, however a photograph found on the table is believed to have shown her. The photograph shows the woman along with another man, who motel employees identified as Eduardo. It is believed that this photo was taken in a mall photo booth "just before" her suicide.

It would be several years before the family of Eduardo could be located and by the time they had been located, he had died several years prior due to natural causes. Eduardo's family was shown the photograph of the pair and they confirmed that Eduardo was not the man in the photograph and had no idea who the woman was.

A scale was found on the room's table with the name "George Martinez" written on it. It is believed this scale may have been used to weigh packages of drugs. It has been speculated that George Martinez may have been the man in the photograph however no one fitting his description was located as George Martinez was a common name.



  • She had curly strawberry blond hair.
  • Her eyes were hazel or grey.
  • No scars, marks, or tattoos were noted.
  • She had heroin in her system at the time of death.
  • She possibly was of Hispanic descent.


