Unidentified Wiki


Madison County Jane Doe was a child discovered in 2016 alongside a roadway in Texas.


The child's body was discovered along a roadway in Texas inside of a suitcase. The skeleton itself was wrapped in several garbage bags.

Recent isotope and pollen testing indicated the child was originally from Southern Arizona, New Mexico or perhaps Northern Mexico.

After the reconstruction was released, a woman from Tucson, Arizona contacted police, stating that her estranged granddaughter resembled the child. She claimed that she called NCMEC 4 times, but refused to take her information.


  • The child likely had micrognathia, a condition that affected the size of her jaw development, resulting in an inability to eat without assistance.
    • A feeding tube with ""AA4069F02" was implanted as a result and was found with her remains.
  • The skull was also deformed and would appear flattened on one side.
  • She had long and thick black hair that was shoulder-length.


  • The girl wore a pink dress with butterfly decorations bearing the phrase "Follow Your Dreams"
  • She also wore a Parent's Choice (Walmart brand) diaper, size 4.
  • A pair of socks.


