Unidentified Wiki

Is it strictly required that his name and 'missing from' information have to come from an official news agency? The Facebook post shared above (this one: https://m.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=856712991170292&id=476691375839124) contains a GoFundMe campaign for his father whose purpose was to fund a DNA test so they could forensically confirm that this body belonged to his son (which was fully funded and made the DNA test possible) that turned out to be a match. There's a lot of information there, including more pictures of the decedent, his name was actually Pedro Gamaliel Ruelas and he was missing from Sinaloa, Mexico. I'd vote for adding that information to the page since we have it and it's unlikely there's ever gonna be any news source, just like others hundreds of immigrants found. But if the wikia policy is to maintain it just like that, then it's ok.
